Category Archives: right

World premiere at Borealis – Lo Kristenson

Building on a deep engagement with trees and forest ecosystems, Lo Kristenson’s new work for Vilde&Inga asks what we as humans can learn from the trees and their world. Based on the human relationship with trees and wooden materials, Kristenson looks closely at the connections between the wooden body of stringed instruments and the living organisms and plants found in a forest. As we gain new knowledge about forest ecology our relationship with the trees is also challenged, and we now know that trees have a kind of collective memory that can communicate to other trees through root systems and mycelium. The trees live their lives in cooperative collectives.
Performed from a score that is partly graphic, Kristenson combines traditional notation with visual signs inspired by annual rings, bark, root systems and food chains. Referencing the trees cooperative collectives, Kristenson creates a framework with instructions and sounds where both the composer and the performers expressions are given room to play. Both Kristenson and Vilde&Inga are interested in exploring the potential of allowing the composed and notated to meet the unpredictable and spontaneous in improvised moments.

With Experiences of wood – to the forest that once was, we want to create a space to remember the forests that no longer exist. Forests that have been subjected to deforestation, where the trees have been uprooted and the ground has been plowed. Where the site now has lost its foundational network and its ability for cooperation.

Commission supported by Arts Council Norway

→ INTERACTION ← at Festival Riverrun

We’re excited to travel abroad for the first time in one and a half year! We have an interesting project at Festival Riverrun in Albi, France 1st – 3rd of October. The project is called → INTERACTION ←. We will play three concerts in different locations in the city. The project is inspired by our third album How Forests Think which was recorded in different locations and venues in the Oslo area. You can find more info here!

10 years anniversary!

This fall it is 10 years since we started to play together!


What a journey it has been. Vilde&Inga has taken us to so many different places in the world and we have met so many nice and cool people on our way so far! A big thank you to all of you who have followed us  so far and still keep coming to our concerts!


We celebrate with releasing our third album, the double album How Forests Think 16th of October 2020. The release concert will be 3rd of November at Blow Out! in Oslo. We’ll be so happy to see you there!


‘Lydforskerne’ is a performance for children (3-6 years). We have performed it for children from kindergardens in Oslo in a collaboration together with Oslo Public Library. It’s both music and talking and is performed in Norwegian. During 2018-2019 we performed the show 80 times for kids in kindergardens in Oslo! That was possible because of great support from Kulturrådet, Fond for Lyd og Bilde and Kulturetaten Oslo Kommune. Also a big thank you to Deichman Grünerløkka, Nydalen, Bjerke, Lambertseter, Majorstua, Stovner, Tøyen and Furuset!






Future Opera at Borealis Festival in Bergen

We have been so lucky to be a part of a project called Future Opera the last to weeks. It’s a fantastic team! Three short operas by Øyvind Mæland, Lars Skoglund and Rebecka Ahvenniemi to be premiered 9th of March at Cornerteateret in Bergen.

Interview in Klassekampen

We got interviewed in the Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen about receiving The Lindeman Youth Prize for Young Musicians and some other stuff! In Norwegian. Check it out!

The Lindeman Prize for Young Musicians 2016!

We feel proud and humble to announce that we received the Lindeman Prize for Young Musicians 2016! It was Sidsel Endresen, who was awarded The Lindeman Prize 2016, who chose Vilde&Inga as the receiver of the Lindeman Prize for Young Musicians. The award ceremony was 21st of October and it was memorable night. Thank you to Sidsel Endresen and Lindemans Legat!

Info om FIRE ROM 4.des i Veksthusene på Naturhistorisk Museum

Velkommen til en konsert utenom det vanlige!

Siste konsert i Vilde&Ingas konsertserie FIRE ROM er 4.desember i veksthusene i Botanisk hage, Naturhistorisk Museum.

Konserten er GRATIS! Men OBS OBS! Pga begrenset plass (25 personer) vil det være mulig å reservere billetter. Send oss en mail til Si i fra hvis dere allikevel ikke kan komme. Konserten starter presis og billetten vil bli gitt til andre interesserte 10 min før konserten begynner. Møt opp ved Victorahuset!

OBS! Pga tropisk varme og svært høy fuktighet i Victoriahuset anbefaler vi folk å ikke ha på seg ullundertøy! Det er mulig å henge av seg ytterklær i gangen utenfor.

Om Palmehuset og Victoriahuset:
Botanisk hage har to veksthus: Palmehuset og Victoriahuset. Palmehuset ble oppført i 1868 og rommer planter fra områder med tropisk klima, middelhavsklima og ørkenklima. Victoriahuset er fra 1876, og er spesialbygd for Victoriavannliljen fra Amazonas. Denne konserten vil bestå av to kortere sett, ett i hvert av veksthusene. På grunn av begrenset plass vil det ikke være sitteplasser på denne konserten, og det er meningen at publikum skal kunne bevege seg rolig rundt i rommet under konserten og se på de forskjellige plantene.

FIRE ROM er støttet av Oslo Kommune, Norsk Kulturråd og Norsk Jazzforum.

FIRE ROM – en serie konserter med Vilde&Inga i Oslo

Musikk som skapes i øyeblikket tar opp i seg omgivelsene den skapes i. Denne musikken kan gi plass til lyder fra gaten utenfor, eller lyder i rommet man vanligvis ikke hører som musikk. I et rom med lang etterklang er det som om tiden strekkes, lydene klinger lenger og musikken tillates en saktere utvikling. I en kjeller med bar og pratsomt klientell må musikken jobbe intenst for å holde på publikums oppmerksomhet.

Dette er noen erfaringer vi har gjort oss etter å ha spilt improvisert musikk på en rekke svært forskjellige spillesteder og andre steder de siste fem årene. Rommet og stedets evne til å forme og bli en del av musikken fascinerer oss, og vi ønsker med denne konsertserien å belyse og fordype oss i dette. Vi har derfor valgt fire svært forskjellige rom hvor vi vil spille konserter høsten 2015, med én konsert hver måned fra september til desember. Vi har plukket ut rom vi opplever har en særegen karakter, som arkitektonisk rom, akustisk rom og som helhetlig ramme for musikken. Alle de fire rommene ligger sentralt i Oslo, og tanken er at publikum skal kunne komme på alle konsertene om de ønsker det og selv erfare hvordan rommene preger musikken.

Velkommen til FIRE ROM!

Concert with Ingar Zach in Zürich!

Happy new year! We are looking forward to our first concert this year 9th of January in Zürich. We are playing as a trio with one of our favorite percussionists – Ingar Zach!